
Week 23: Emergence of Industrial Society IDs

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago


Weeks 23: Emergence of Industrial Society IDs - group work


  1. Working together using this wiki
  2. Directions:
  3. Identificatons - Emergence of Industrial Society (Chapter 23)
    1. American Revolution - causes/effects (overview) - Pastore
    2. Declaration of Independence - Virginia Hoke
    3. US Constitution-Magoon
    4. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette- Jennifer Page
    5. The Estates General and the Tennis Court Oath Maggie Walston
    6. French Revolution of 1789 - causes/effects + stages (overview) -Ashley Honaker
    7. Bastille Day-Binion
    8. Declaration of the Rights of Man- Magoon
    9. Jacobins, Committee of Public Safety, Reign of Terror - Jordan Chatham
    10. Thermidor - EXAMPLE
    11. The Directory - Rachel
    12. Napoleon Bonaparte- Andrew Gilmore
    13. Congress of Vienna and the Congress System Carrie Shaffner
    14. Klemens von Metternich- Clara
    15. Serfdom in RussiaTracy
    16. Revolution of 1848 Merritt Sherman
    17. Third Reform Act - UK - Miller
    18. Napoleon III Ashton Dillard
    19. The Dreyfus Affair-Kelsey Rector
    20. Nationalism Tara
    21. The unification of Italy hannah
    22. The unification of Germany and Otto von Bismarck Garrin Abbott
    23. Augsleich - compromise of 1867 - Zac Vance
    24. Alexander II and the Emancipation of Russian serfs- Clara
    25. Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women Binion
    26. Women's movement and suffrage Kat!
    27. Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism Ashton Dillard
    28. Charles Darwin - On Origin of Species Maggie Walston
    29. Friedrich Nietzsche Jennifer Page
    30. Albert Einstein - Virginia Hoke
    31. Sigmund Freud - Ashley Honaker
    32. Imperialism (overview - more in depth next week) Ariana Knight
    33. Social Darwinism ♥Arianna♥
    34. Louisiana Purchase and the Monroe Doctrine- Amna
    35. American Civil War (overview - causes/effect - world view) - Pastore
    36. Immigration to the US - stay in time period = Ward
    37. The Balkans - Jordan Chatham
    38. Proto-industrialization - Steve Capone
    39. Enclosure Acts Tracy
    40. English textile trade hannah
    41. James Watt and the steam engine ♥Merritt Sherman♥ <----Hearts
    42. Industrial Revolution (overview - causes/effects) Ariana Knight
    43. The steamship and the railroad Kat!
    44. Vulcanization and Bessemer process Carrie Shaffner
    45. New power sources - electricity and petroleum - Miller
    46. Industrial war Luke
    47. Internal Combustion Engine Luke
    48. Decline of the Aristocracy and Rise of the Middle Class
    49. Urbanization ♥Arianna♥
    50. Capitalism and laissez-faire economics- Alex
    51. Thomas Malthus - Essay on Populations --Kelsey Rector
    52. David Ricardo - iron law of wages-Amna
    53. Socialism Tara
    54. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and communism Zac Vance
    55. Trade Unions Rachel
    56. Global Spread of Industrialization Garrin Abbott
    57. Crimean War- Andrew Gilmore
    58. Balkan Crisis of 1876-1878
    59. Congress of Berlin - Steve Capone
    60. Balkan Wars- Alex


Working together using this wiki


Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. The entire class can share information using this wiki, making your research accessible to everyone. You no longer have to complete the IDs all by yourself! Play around with this wiki: Notice how you can add comments to a page, see what people have changed, and edit all the text - check out the "wiki style page" on the HOME page or in STUDY TIPS & TOOLS (BB).




1. YOU are responsible for TWO terms/concepts this week (Don't forget you have to CLAIM the terms/concepts on this page). You need to use the textbook (and possibly other resources) to research your terms/concepts. These TWO are the only two YOU are responsible for, so make sure you include lots of details to share with your classmates. You can post your description in paragraph form or a bulletted list - just be complete. POST ON TIME!

2. Once you have posted your own terms/concepts, you have the opportunity to add to your classmates postings. If you see something that is wrong or needs more explanation you can edit their term/concept. However, you must include your name with any changes you make.

3. Finally, you can print off this "wiki" and file in your notebook (you are keeping a 3-ring binder full of stuff for this course, right?).

4. Use this checklist to check your work: (I use this list to grade your wiki - see my example) [By the way, I take off 5 points for each item you don't have - more for "skimpy" content]

  • Create a link to the main page (You can cut and paste the exact title from the main page)
  • Descriptive and CREATIVE title (have fun with it!)
  • Brief summary of term/concept - use bullets or highlight key points
  • Picture/map - must include CAPTION




Identificatons - Emergence of Industrial Society (Chapter 23)


American Revolution - causes/effects (overview) - Pastore

Declaration of Independence - Virginia Hoke

US Constitution-Magoon

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette- Jennifer Page

The Estates General and the Tennis Court Oath Maggie Walston

French Revolution of 1789 - causes/effects + stages (overview) -Ashley Honaker

Bastille Day-Binion

Declaration of the Rights of Man- Magoon

Jacobins, Committee of Public Safety, Reign of Terror - Jordan Chatham

Thermidor - EXAMPLE

The Directory - Rachel

Napoleon Bonaparte- Andrew Gilmore

Congress of Vienna and the Congress System Carrie Shaffner

Klemens von Metternich- Clara

Serfdom in RussiaTracy

Revolution of 1848 Merritt Sherman

Third Reform Act - UK - Miller

Napoleon III Ashton Dillard

The Dreyfus Affair-Kelsey Rector

Nationalism Tara

The unification of Italy hannah

The unification of Germany and Otto von Bismarck Garrin Abbott

Augsleich - compromise of 1867 - Zac Vance

Alexander II and the Emancipation of Russian serfs- Clara

Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women Binion

Women's movement and suffrage Kat!

Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism Ashton Dillard

Charles Darwin - On Origin of Species Maggie Walston

Friedrich Nietzsche Jennifer Page

Albert Einstein - Virginia Hoke

Sigmund Freud - Ashley Honaker

Imperialism (overview - more in depth next week) Ariana Knight

Social Darwinism ♥Arianna♥

Louisiana Purchase and the Monroe Doctrine- Amna

American Civil War (overview - causes/effect - world view) - Pastore

Immigration to the US - stay in time period = Ward

The Balkans - Jordan Chatham

Proto-industrialization - Steve Capone

Enclosure Acts Tracy

English textile trade hannah

James Watt and the steam engine ♥Merritt Sherman♥ <----Hearts

Industrial Revolution (overview - causes/effects) Ariana Knight

The steamship and the railroad Kat!

Vulcanization and Bessemer process Carrie Shaffner

New power sources - electricity and petroleum - Miller

Industrial war Luke

Internal Combustion Engine Luke

Decline of the Aristocracy and Rise of the Middle Class

Urbanization ♥Arianna♥

Capitalism and laissez-faire economics- Alex

Thomas Malthus - Essay on Populations --Kelsey Rector

David Ricardo - iron law of wages-Amna

Socialism Tara

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and communism Zac Vance

Trade Unions Rachel

Global Spread of Industrialization Garrin Abbott

Crimean War- Andrew Gilmore

Balkan Crisis of 1876-1878

Congress of Berlin - Steve Capone

Balkan Wars- Alex


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