Split inheritance

Week 12: Early Americans IDs


Split inheritance


The Incas adopted this practice from the Chimor kingdom. Split inheritance is when all the political power and titles of the ruler went to his successor but all his possessions remained in the hands of his male descendants, the panaqa, or other heirs, who would use them to support the cult of the dead Inca's mummy for eternity. This satisfied other potential heirs materially and encouraged the new leader to gaine more territory and wealth. Each new Inca needed to secure possessions to ensure that his own cult and place for eternity. This is unusual considering that in most European countries a rulers successor was the first male descendant in their blood line if they had one and they would receive the rulers possessions as well. Since the Incas belived in ancestor worship, they also believed that the land of the person who had passed on still belonged to them, even though it was in the care of his descendants.This system of inheritance had was the monopolizing of land by the dead. This created an imbalance between resources and the population since the products of the land would still belong to the dead. The panaqa benifited from this inheritance, since they were able to live at the expense of the land, and so they usually didn't feel like they had to do as much. However, as time went on, more people began to claim they were a descent

of the male line, resulting in too many arisocrats and not enough workers to support them.