Silk, porcelain, and 'china'

Week 13: Medieval China IDs


Silk, porcelain, and 'china'


The Tang dynasty reigned between 618 and 907 in China. During this time their conquests in China helped to revive the silk routes between China and Persia. The Tang control promoted trading between China and Buddhist centers in central Asia, and areas in the Islamic world farther west. Fine silk textiles, procelain, and paper were exported to the Islamic civilizations.

Silk fabric was first developed in China. Silk became a popular luxury fabric and it was one of the staples of international trade in China. Because of this, the name for the "silk" road was established. Porcelain and fine china were also first made in China and became largely traded items as well along the silk road. In English China became a commonly used synonym for the Franco-Italian term porcelain.





Rachel Patty