New Feminism



-New Feminism-



Week 31: Cold War IDs

New feminism recognizes and supports certain ideas regarding the strengths, perspectives, and roles of women, while advocating the equal worth and dignity of both sexes.

New feminists were opposed mainly by young women, especially those in the Six Point Group, particularly Winifred Holtby, Vera Brittain and Dorothy Evans, who saw this as a retrograde step towards the separate spheres ideology of the 19th century.

In recent years, the term has been revived by Catholic feminists responding to the Vatican's call for a "'new feminism' which rejects the temptation of imitating models of 'male domination' in order to acknowledge and affirm the true genius of women in every aspect of the life of society and overcome all discrimination, violence and exploitation". 

New Feminists consider marriage to be a reciprocal self-giving of persons in free, total, faithful and fruitful communion.

New Feminists argue that a true feminism is not just about women, it is about the Family - both individually and collectively in the Church and Humanity.

New Feminists view the Feminist preoccupation with "power", domination and positions of visible "authority" as masculine and faulty. 

New Feminists recognize that men and women are different and that this different affects the way they live their lives, what they care about, and their strengths and weaknesses.


Femminismo.jpgSymbol for New Feminism