Weeks 32-35: Modern history IDs





NAFTA stands for the North American Trade Agreement.



The North American Trade Agreement was a call to dispose of the tariffs for products treaded between North American countries.  These North American countries include Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico.  NAFTA would reduce tariffs on many products including textiles, agricultural products, and patents.  NAFTA is an expansion of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the USA. 

Later on the North American Agreement on Environmental and Labor Cooperation were added to NAFTA.



The NAAEC is an agreement to make sure that companies would not relocate to another country in North America because it had lower environmental standards than the country the company was previously in.  The NAAEC also helps with financial aid in reducing pollution.



The NAALC is used to resolve any labor problems that may pop up and to fight for improved labor conditions.  The goals of the NAALC can be seen in a meeting of the labor conditions in the three countries.



The NAFTA logo