
Weeks 15-17: Rise of the West IDs



To Give More than You Take!!

By Virginia Hoke



Relating to these chapters:

Louis and his ministries started the economic theory mercantilism. That Government should promote the internal economy to improve tax revenues and to limit imports from other nations. It was to make sure that the country wasn’t losing money tot other countries. Also they urged that a nation should not import very many goods, but to sell exports as widely as possible.


Definition of Mercantilism.

Mercantilism is the economic theory that holds that the prosperity of a nation depends upon its supply of capital, and that the global trade is unchangeable. Capital is held by the state, is increased through balance of trade. Overall the encourage exports and discourage imports, with the use of tariffs.




A French Seaport in 1648, at the height of Mercantilism


Bullionism, (Sister Concept of Mercantilism) the belief that that quantities of gold and silver were the measure of a nation's wealth. Later mercantilists developed a somewhat more sophisticated view.

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