Coronado - SW US

Week 19: The Atlantic World IDs


WOW, Coronado sounds like Colorado!

...let's see why

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado


Coronado was originally the governor of New Glacia, which was the union of the Mexican states of Jalisco, Sinaloa, and Nayarit. While in this position he sent many explorers North to New Mexico to explore the lands. When they came back with stories of wealth and cities made of gold, one being called Cibola. Coronado was later appointed as commander of an expidition looking to find these golden cities and they set out in 1540. They traveled through Mexico and eventually into New Mexico only to discover the "golden cities" were pueblos. Coronado and his crew continued their explorations and traveled through Arizona and up. They were the first Europeans to find the Colorado river and the Grand Canyon. The expedition continued into explorations of the Colorado river until they returned to Mexico in 1542.


^^ A map of the Coronado expedition in the US

^^ Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

^^ Coronado headed to the North

