Arab-Israeli Conflict

Conflict Timeline


1896- Plans first drawn up to establish a Jewish state in Palestine to help combat anti-semitism

1917- Even though the British pledged support for the Arab cause during WWI, they issue the Belfour Declaration which formally supported Jews in Palestine

1922- The League of Nations divides the Arab territories

1929- Arab-Jewish riots leave 250 dead in Hebron

1943- Because of Holocaust, Jewish settlement in Palestine increases and Haj Amin El Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem, sides with the Nazis

1948- British relenquish control of area causing Israel to declare statehood and Palestine attacks.

1967- Six Day War occurs, Israel annexes many territories including Sinai, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip

1978- Camp David Accords returns Sinai to Egypt in retrun for national recognition


the following is an Israeli political cartoon...


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